Pastor Steven Otto Phillips


Pastor Steven Otto PhillipsPastor Steven Otto Phillips is a graduate of Haralson County High School.  Pastor Phillips graduated in 1991, and joined the United States Navy in 1992.  From 1992-1994 Pastor Phillips attended ATD School in Chicago, Illinois.  He graduated ATD School in 1994.  Not realizing that God had a plan for his life he married Charlotte Jennings on April 2, 1995, in Tallapoosa, Ga.  Un-behold to the newlyweds the devil got very busy in this God given union.  By February 1997 (just after 2 years of marriage) Steven and Charlotte accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior.  They were accepted to the body of Christ and joined (as members) Freedom King Ministry International, in Hiram, Ga. Under the leadership of (then) Pastor Richard C. Merritt and Elect Lady Linda A. Merritt.   Although his Pastors are also his natural parents, Pastor Phillips has no problem submitting to his leadership and the direction of God.

As Pastor Phillips grew and matured in the spirit, Pastor Merritt began to use him.  (Then) Pastor Merritt called on the members to teach Sunday school.  When it was Bro. Phillips time to teach, that is when his gift began to shine.  God spoke to the leaders and told them “He is the one.”  A calling was sent by God to ordain Brother Phillips as a minister of the Gospel.  Minister Phillips has since then served faithfully as the Freedom King Mission International Ministries Sunday school teacher for over 9 years.  In June 2007 another calling was sent to the leaders from God.  On June 30th, 2007 (then) Minister Phillips was ordained once again to a Pastor of the gospel.  This is when he was named the Assistant Pastor of F.K.M.I.M. 

Pastor Steven Otto Phillips and Prophetess Charlotte PhillipsGod has put a true blessed calling on both Pastor and Prophetess Phillips life that they are still preaching the word of God in season and out of season.  They hold true to the teachings and believe that the only way to live is to live Holy and righteous.  Through all his trials and tribulations Pastor Phillips is a true man of God and teaches even harder.  He is an inspiration to everyone that knows him and those that he meets.  He is a youth Pastor, a role model, a brother, a son, a husband (to only one wife), a father, a mentor, a motivator and a man that lives by what he teaches.

Pastor and Prophetess Phillips are the proud practicing parents of three wonderful children, Steven 18, Jerrod 15 and Taylor 13.  Together they bring their children up in the way of righteousness through much prayer, love and instruction.

Healing, Miracles, Love, Deliverance

Services & Times

Sunday Morning Intimacy 9:00am

Sunday Morning Empowerment 10:00am

Sunday Morning Bread of Heaven 11:15am

Wednesday Morning Bible Study 12:00pm

Wednesday Mid Week Service 7:30pm

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